Wednesday, February 6, 2008

adventures of the big-boy-bed

So, while moving Tagg into Cooper's room (now lovingly called "the boy's" room) I striped a screw trying to put the crib back together. . .couldn't it have just gone through the door assembled? Anyhow, I decided it was an omen to take the plunge, and get the fire truck big-boy-bed out of storage. Cooper was 18 months or so when we moved him into the big-boy-bed, so I figured at Tagg's ripe old age of 21 months, that he is more then ready.

So, here we go- line up the beds, Cooper's twin bed, and Tagg's new big-boy-bed. Everyone is very excited, Cooper can't wait to share a room, and Tagg is enjoying crawling/jumping/jumping OFF his new big-boy-bed, wich he calls his "bee bouy bead" Bedtime comes, books are read together on the floor, everyone gets tucked into their respective beds. Nightlight and soft music get turned on, and both boys get kisses goodnight from Mom and Dad. Shut the door, tiptoe downstairs. Ahh.

Not four, maybe five seconds go by before little feet are dancing upstairs. We knew this would happen, the new found freedom of a great big room without bars would take some getting used to. For the next half an hour or so, Aaron and I took turns RE tucking Taggart into his big-boy-bed. The cute part? Every single time we went upstairs to put him back in his bed, we found him snuggled up at the end of Cooper's bed. :)

Finally, both boys passed out from excitement and exhaustion in their own beds. The next night, I caved, and put the pack-and-play in their room. We gave him two or three bed escapes before confining him to his make shift crib. So, we try every night putting him in his bed first, but nearly every night (and nap time) he ends up back in his pack-and-play. I figure he'll get it eventually, I shouldn't have to send him off to college with his pack-and-play :)

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