Tuesday, January 6, 2009

surviving winter so far

Nine days without power, and a month without school. Honestly, I feel as thought I can take anything at this point. (Did I just jinx myself or what?) Both kids were troopers throughout the power/school/friend/normality drought, although I started to wither towards the end of it all.

We had a two hour delay yesterday, due to more ice (really, how much more ice is there to fall?) first day back after a month off, and it's a delay, go figure. Anyhow winter is half over (right, I can call it that now?) so were getting there.

Already picking out spring flowers. That's not putting the cart before the horse, is it?

1 comment:

Apryl said...

There's nothing wrong with some spring flowers to look forward to! Hope you get to enjoy some quiet time to yourself. :)